Welcome to the first Homes of Our Own newsletter for 2022.
We have been continuing to work with groups remotely although now that restrictions are easing we are getting back out into our communities again to drive forward Community Led Housing. If you are aware of any new, emerging groups who would benefit from some support, please do point them in our direction.
We are also looking forwarding to welcoming Louise Newman, Accredited CLH Adviser back from maternity leave this month, Louise will be returning to join our team later in February. Welcome back Louise.

Over the past quarter there has been progress with Community Led Housing across Wiltshire.
We have been contacted by several parishes who are in the early stages of gathering information about the process including Rowde, Marlborough and Great Bedwyn, all groups have indicated that they will return
for further advice and guidance when they have a clearer vision of housing for their communities. Most of our enquiries have linked to Neighbourhood Plans, Westbury are working on their Neighbourhood Plan and will be in touch when they look at community led housing within this.
Of the formed groups:
- Pewsey have held discussions with CAF Venturesome about a potential funding source which HoOO attended. HoOO also attended a meeting with Pewsey CLT and GreenSquareAccord who they are partnering with to deliver the scheme. The police have confirmed that they will still sell the site of the former police station to the CLT.
- Seend have gone out to tender for their build contractor, and this is likely to be returned the first week of February. See below for more information from White Horse Housing Association who Seend CLT are partnered with to understand more about their exciting development coming forward.
- Nadder CLT have appointed Wessex to assist them in their Community Housing work. They have partnered with White Horse Housing to buy 6 units (2 x 1 beds, 2 x 2 beds and 2 x 3 beds) from Stone Circle Development Company on the former Tisbury Sports Centre site. They have undertaken several consultation events about the proposed design which they have influenced. At the Stone Circle Development company Board meeting on Thursday 20th January, it was agreed that the site could be submitted for planning.

White Horse Housing Association, based in Melksham is the selected development partner of five separate Community Land Trusts (CLT’s). Three in Wiltshire, one in Hampshire and one in Dorset.
The Association has worked closely with these CLT’s over the past year assisting them with the design and layout of their schemes,
providing detailed costings, viability appraisals and looking at how each scheme can be financed. Discussions have been held with Homes England to seek their support ‘in principle’ and prepare them for future Affordable Housing Grant bids. All the CLT’s have secured grants to help them pay for the appointment of Architects and other essential consultants required to move their schemes forward.
Seend CLT
Wiltshire Council formally approved the CLT’s planning application to build 10 affordable homes and 1 self-build plot for a local resident in June. The affordable homes are all designed to meet ‘Passive Haus’ standards, meaning they will be highly efficient to keep warm with very little heating costs. Now that the application has been approved the Association has proceeded with the purchase, sale and leaseback of the land in preparation for the development to commence. It is hoped that this trail blazing development will start on site by summer 2022. Watch this space!

In 2021 a local referendum to ascertain support for the new Neighbourhood Plan was carried out. The referendum resulted in an overwhelming majority of the residents supporting the plan, including the provision of 6 affordable homes within the village brought forward by the CLT in partnership with White Horse Housing. Detailed plans have already been drawn up for the 4 x rented and 2 x shared ownership homes, and a formal planning application will be submitted to Wiltshire Council this summer. It is hoped the development will start on site by the end of 2022.

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The Community Led Homes Enabler Hub Grants Programme aims to expand the network of specialist regional organisations helping groups of local people to develop their own community led housing solutions. Funded by the Community Housing Fund from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). More information can be found at www.communityledhomes.org.uk/get-funding