The Homes of Our Own team are continuing to work hard to support existing community led housing groups, encourage the development of new groups and be proactive with Neighbourhood Plan groups in the Wiltshire area.
We are pleased to confirm that there is still funding available for new and emerging community led housing groups, with applications being taken for grants of up to £2,000 for group and project set up costs. More information about the grants can be found in the Resources page of our website, or you can email
Alongside the start-up grants, free training, worth £500 is also still available for any community led housing groups who are interested in learning more about Community Organising and how this can benefit their project.
By working through a case study, the training will allow communities to develop an action plan to suit their housing need. Groups will work with trained Community Organisers to develop strategies around listening, power and actions to enable progression of community led housing in their community.
Further details can be found in the Community Organising Training Factsheet on the Resources page of our website, or you can contact us for more details. For more information about Community Organising, please visit Community Organisers.
Homes of Our Own are proud to continue to support Seend CLT, who are now approaching further exciting stages in their development, with the aim to start on site in May 2022. They are building 10 affordable homes to Passivhaus standard at Park Farm, Seend. For more information about the development, please visit the Seend CLT website.
The Community Housing Fund Revenue Programme 2021/22 closed at the beginning of December 2021, and the National Community Land Trust Network have been working hard speaking with MPs and setting a case for extending the Community Housing Fund. The CHF renewal can be included in the budget for 2022-2025 and we, alongside the NCLTN are encouraging community led housing groups to write to your MP and ask them to lobby on your behalf. The deadline for the decision on the budget is the end of March 2022, so don’t delay!
If you are interested in community led housing in Wiltshire and want to know more, please contact us.